NO! You cannot! Everything from the simpsons episode is copyrighted by Matt Groening if you use any of that stuff you will be sewed. That is why i am creating Earthland Realms with a different name and pictures but the same topic. So if you want to get sewed for Millions its ur loss...
Yes me too , I call it "ActionMMO" .-... But I can create a town that looks like this and do a lot of references ... for example I will create an NPC called "Captain Cool <Commander of this Spaceship to the Stars>" And you can only gewt sued by them as you cannot sew organic stuff ,,,,,
Yes me too , I call it "ActionMMO" .-... But I can create a town that looks like this and do a lot of references ... for example I will create an NPC called "Captain Cool <Commander of this Spaceship to the Stars>" And you can only gewt sued by them as you cannot sew organic stuff ,,,,,
Ok... who says i cant create organic stuff... I CANT WAIT UNTIL YOU 'MAKE' THIS GAME!
Oh and I think that in the game the weapons should be custom. Basic swords or other weapons like iron, steel, or bronze can be bought from weapons shops. Then when you kill enemies it should increase that weapon's effectiveness versus that type of enemy. Like maybe killing one enemy would increase the effectiveness of the weapon against that enemy by like .01 percent. If the graphics could be good enough then maybe as you kill the different enemies the weapon slightly changes in appearance with parts like bones or fur or claws from the enemy killed. Eventually when the weapon hits like 10% effectiveness versus a certain enemy its name will change into something like..... Well example say you kill town guards for that sword. Hair teeth bones and maybe even bits of chainmail alter the appearance of the weapon and at 10% it turns into the Lawbreaker or soemthing. same thing for killing goblins and it'll turn into like Goblin slasher for a sword, or like Goblin crusher for a hammer. When the weapon hits 10% effectiveness and changes name then its effectiveness percentage against different types of monsters can only be raised to say..... 5% or so.
As for armor it can be the same type of system and I think it could end up with some really cool stuff.