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When the boss is down to HP bar 65 It will summon three shadow
Moderators: Monty Burns
Author Post
Mon Aug 29 2022, 11:04PM
Registered Member #133797
Joined: Mon Aug 29 2022, 10:36PM
Posts: 3
In the vicinity of health bar 144. Vykas will use her rotating lasers to attack. The attack is repeated after HP bar 90. or at other random moments. In this attack, Vykas targets a purple laser at each player. It will explodebut will not cause death. If, however, you're within a few feet of other players and take two hits in the same direction, the Raid could be over for you. Players are allowed to walk to the edge of the map while operating at a normal pace to keep some distance between explosions.

In the HP 120 bar, go to the pattern one position (depicted by the figure above). The boss will randomly produce three shadow clones around 3 clock, 7 o'clock and 11 clock. One of them has wings folded while another one is open as well as the third only one folded wing. Five members in the middle must consume an orb that will identify them with either a red or a purple sign. Whatever sign -- red or purple -- appears on the majority of players will determine the timing in which they will be visiting the shadow clones in order to stay clear of the shock waves that are coming their way. Here's the correct order for each color:

Three symbols of purple (purple majority) No wings raised. One wing raised - both wings are raised

The three red symbol (red majority): both wings raised - one wing raised - no wings raised

When the boss is down to HP bar 65 It will summon three shadow clones again. Retake the positions in the pattern 2 (refer to the diagram above). The shadows of each clone release five shockwaves. Your task is to determine which shockwaves are black and which ones are red. Shadow clones then begin shooting orbs at the boss, and you need to intercept any black orbs. If your location has two black orbs in it, each of the two party members must intercept one of them. When there's three, at least one "spare" players must take the third. It's best to pick the quickest method to communicate prior to starting your Legion Raid (e.g. calling out "7-4." meaning the fourth orb of the seven o'clock clone needs to be intercepted).

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