Ok, The more people we have helping with KOE the quicker the game will come so.... Here are the Jobs available;
1) Head 3D Maker(Flyvin) 2) 3D Maker 3) Head Map Maker 4) 3D Map Maker 5) Head Website/HTML Designer (Karroma_007) 6) Website/HTML Designer 7) Idea Collector (Hess) (ShadowKnight) 8) Story/Quest Writer (RunTime) (Shameelrulez) 9) Fancy Writing Creator 10) Gif Maker
Please submit your job applications using my sample below (Copy & Paste)
[Feel free to create your own job, if you think it will come in handy)
Username: Job wich you are applying for: How long are u on ur computer every day: Will u be persistent at your job: When will you be able to start: A sample of your work: MSN ADDRESS:
Username: Shaka Job wich you are applying for: Website/HTML Designer and/or Map Designer How long are you on are computer every day: Any where from 30 minutes to two hours (it's flexable) Will you be persistent at your job: Yes. When will you be able to start: Now. A sample of your work: Website/HTML Designer: kidznewz.org (I made the website). I don't have an example for the Map Designer, if you tell me what to make though, I will make an example.
Username:LFPM Job wich you are applying for:7)story quest writer How long are u on ur computer every day:from 1 to 4 hours can be very flexible Will u be persistent at your job:yes, im a very hard worker When will you be able to start:any time you want A sample of your work:let me dig something up i have tons of fantasy rpg type stories i wrote which you could turn into quests, i am well versed in all fantasy novels especially LOTR and am an avid RPG player mainly in WoW
Username: Shaka Job wich you are applying for: Website/HTML Designer and/or Map Designer How long are you on are computer every day: Any where from 30 minutes to two hours (it's flexable) Will you be persistent at your job: Yes. When will you be able to start: Now. A sample of your work: Website/HTML Designer: kidznewz.org (I made the website). I don't have an example for the Map Designer, if you tell me what to make though, I will make an example.
Well.... The website doesnt compete with what my websites look like but ill hire you as back up ;) Ill make the template then ill send u the frontpage template then u can make the menus and everything!
Username:LFPM Job wich you are applying for:7)story quest writer How long are u on ur computer every day:from 1 to 4 hours can be very flexible Will u be persistent at your job:yes, im a very hard worker When will you be able to start:any time you want A sample of your work:let me dig something up i have tons of fantasy rpg type stories i wrote which you could turn into quests, i am well versed in all fantasy novels especially LOTR and am an avid RPG player mainly in WoW
Ok, i cant just take your word i need a sample soon... If u want PM it to me.
Username:JGA121 Job wich you are applying for:KOEP(Kingdom of Earthlands Police, Helping out in any way possible and watching for abuse and Hackers) How long are u on ur computer every day:9 hours almost, but Spaced out, not in a row, Will u be persistent at your job:Yeah, I have alot of experience When will you be able to start:As soon as the Game is made, A sample of your work:Not really needed for my job (Or) Username:JGA121 Job wich you are applying for:Composer, How long are u on ur computer every day:9 hours Will u be persistent at your job:Yes, I'll help by composing music for the game When will you be able to start:As soon as possible A sample of your work:Well, I can't Excactly show you right now, But I have a flute, And A Piano, I'll compose something Soon.
Username:JGA121 Job wich you are applying for:KOEP(Kingdom of Earthlands Police, Helping out in any way possible and watching for abuse and Hackers) How long are u on ur computer every day:9 hours almost, but Spaced out, not in a row, Will u be persistent at your job:Yeah, I have alot of experience When will you be able to start:As soon as the Game is made, A sample of your work:Not really needed for my job (Or) Username:JGA121 Job wich you are applying for:Composer, How long are u on ur computer every day:9 hours Will u be persistent at your job:Yes, I'll help by composing music for the game When will you be able to start:As soon as possible A sample of your work:Well, I can't Excactly show you right now, But I have a flute, And A Piano, I'll compose something Soon.
Hmmm... There wont be really need for that... as only the talking will be on forums as the game is 3D Strategy....
Username:RunTime. Job wich you are applying for:Story/Quest Writer. How long are u on ur computer every day:At schoolweeks about 8 hours, but now in vacatino more then 14. Will u be persistent at your job:Ofcourse i will, i will do anything to make this project work. When will you be able to start:As soon as u accept me and i'm on my computer and know that i can start. A sample of your work:None, however i have published 2 books irl with a total sold books of 473.
Username:Shadow -Knight Job wich you are applying for:Idea Collector How long are u on ur computer every day:1 hour to ? Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:probly monday this week A sample of your work:none in less u want some i know u would want ideas i will think of some couse i have a good amgination
Username:RunTime. Job wich you are applying for:Story/Quest Writer. How long are u on ur computer every day:At schoolweeks about 8 hours, but now in vacatino more then 14. Will u be persistent at your job:Ofcourse i will, i will do anything to make this project work. When will you be able to start:As soon as u accept me and i'm on my computer and know that i can start. A sample of your work:None, however i have published 2 books irl with a total sold books of 473.
Well... I wouldnt normally accept this with no sample... but ill hire u for now! Pm me 5 scentences from ur book ok? Within 4 days!