Username:Shadow -Knight Job wich you are applying for:Idea Collector How long are u on ur computer every day:1 hour to ? Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:probly monday this week A sample of your work:none in less u want some i know u would want ideas i will think of some couse i have a good amgination
Sorry but you have not met the requirements to be in the KOE staff sorry.
Username:hess Job wich you are applying for:idea collector How long are u on ur computer every day:4-9hours Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap A sample of your work: ill start collecting if i get job
Username:hess Job wich you are applying for:idea collector How long are u on ur computer every day:4-9hours Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap A sample of your work: ill start collecting if i get job
Hired! Send me ideas ASAP! (Max by 3 days or ull be dismissed)
Username: Shaka Job wich you are applying for: Website/HTML Designer and/or Map Designer How long are you on are computer every day: Any where from 30 minutes to two hours (it's flexable) Will you be persistent at your job: Yes. When will you be able to start: Now. A sample of your work: Website/HTML Designer: (I made the website). I don't have an example for the Map Designer, if you tell me what to make though, I will make an example.
Shaka... I need to know your MSN or youll be kicked out within 2 days...
Username:hess Job wich you are applying for:idea collector How long are u on ur computer every day:4-9hours Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap A sample of your work: ill start collecting if i get job
Hes please may i have ur MSN address within 5 days so that u will not be kicked out!
Shaka has been Fired! He submitted his job application then never came back! His job is now open.
You can't fire me, I QUIT! You were rude to me and that is why I didn't reply back. Why should I? I wouldn't want to work with you. If you are expecting people to work with you for free, then you better be nicer to them.
-Shaka (By the way, I am a girl)
Reply Quote: Yes i can... i WAS ur manager...
Lol? How on earth was i Rude? All i did before i fired u was ask for your MSN address...I thought u didnt care because you never replied back! Give me one way i was rude to you! And dont try making something up or a fake Quote! And if its going to be a free game people have to work for free... So if u dont like it go away... BTW ill be waiting for the proof.
Username:-Torres- Job which you are applying for: Item Creator or Item Thinker? How long are u on ur computer every day:1hour to about 4hours Will u be persistent at your job: yes I really want to make this game come out as fast as it could. When will you be able to start:I guess now. A sample of your work:I have played about 25 or more roleplaying games and have seen alot of nice names for shields, armor, weapons heres some games i played pristontale, kal online, elderscroll oblivion, WOW, Gate to heaven, Mu online, NeverWinter Nights, Xiah, Corum online, Rappelzand many more. MSN ADDRESS:
Ok, The more people we have helping with KOE the quicker the game will come so.... Here are the Jobs available; ----- 1) Head 3D Maker(Flyvin) 2) 3D Maker 3) Head Map Maker 4) 3D Map Maker 5) Head Website/HTML Designer (Karroma_007) 6) Website/HTML Designer 7) Idea Collector (Hess) (ShadowKnight) 8) Story/Quest Writer (RunTime) 9) Fancy Writing Creator 10) Gif Maker ----- Please submit your job applications using my sample below (Copy & Paste) ----- [Feel free to create your own job, if you think it will come in handy) ----- ----- Username: Job wich you are applying for: How long are u on ur computer every day: Will u be persistent at your job: When will you be able to start: A sample of your work: MSN ADDRESS: ----- Any Questions PM me; Keep this topic clean!
----- Username: NoHomers Job wich you are applying for: Website/HTML Designer How long are u on ur computer every day: I have school days on weekday's so i am gone for mostly 45% of the day so i will try and fit in with this Website/HTML Designing thing for about 3-6Hour's if it's on a weekday, If it's on a weekend then i will try to fit in for around 5-12hours Will u be persistent at your job: Yes When will you be able to start: .A.S.A.P-(As-Soon-As-Possible) / Now A sample of your work: MSN ADDRESS: ===== EDIT: Me and my friend's will be able to help with the Earthland Realms / KOE - Kindom Of Earthlands, one has signed up and i will tell my other friends to sign up so i can tell them to post an application about a job. ===== EDIT: Please do not message me on because i am using my brothers one so i just need you to e-mail me or send me a message on NoHomers. ===== END
Username:lord mike154 Job wich you are applying for:item maker How long are u on ur computer every day:on weekdays i go on for usually 3 hours and on weekends i go on for 5-6 hours Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap tommorow =p A sample of your work:(example) sword of oblivion description a powerful sword that was used to to eliminate the shadow warriors special effect when ur hp gets to 1 ur hp goes up with the damage u deal example my hp is 1 i hit 50 i get 50 hp back MSN
Username:briscus Job wich you are applying for:assistant quest writer How long are u on ur computer every day:weekdays:3hrs weekends:5hrs Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:wheneva you want me to A sample of your work:(sample of quest)the princess of _________ is missing the magical pendant of _______ you must venture to the far side of________ to string together clues to reaveal who stole it and where it was... start:talk to the princess at the_______ she gives you some advice to help you(with a secret riddle)and you set off to find out where the foot prints at the crime scene lead to(end at the city of______ you must investigate fruther and interveiw town citizens...(it ends here because i dont want to waste your time) MSN ADDRESS:none