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Re: Things people need to know about Family Guy. (Family Guy) Posted on 01 Mar : 22:57
I'm reminded of this one south park episode, "Simpsons already did it." There was a message quite relevant to all this in there somewhere.

It is said that there are only (as far as I can recall) 30-some possible storylines if you lay the plot entirely bare (that is, just keep the main idea of the plot; for example: character 1 is placed in a bad situation which they pass off onto character 2 and must then cope with their guilt.) We are going to start seeing repetition eventually, considering this.

I am certain we are all in agreement that the Simpsons is a good show, or we probably would not be here. As for the rest, hey, like it or hate it, that is entirely up to you and you can easily come up with arguments as to why the show rocks or sucks. ...but cancel my South Park and I will cut you, you hippie! ;-P
Re: the wiki page from the Dumbass Thread! and the Mike is there too, it's Mike Hunt! (General Talk) Posted on 01 Mar : 21:53
You all know what these words are, you have all seen them before, so what's one more time? :-P

Kumquat. Now THAT's a sick word... That, and moist. There's something about how "moist" comes out when you say it that sounds really dirty... >_>

Go ahead and swear your head off. Notice how pretty much every swear word is one syllable and involves harsh sounds ("k"s and "r"s mostly) Nice, quick, abrupt expression of miscontentment. But now say "moist." Go on, stand up and say it proudly. "Moist!" Did that make you feel dirty inside? Admit it, it feels like you've broken some kind of taboo - but which?

That's the problem with "moist." It sounds wrong. It sounds like something sexual, or maybe bacterial. Whatever it is, it just comes out wrong. But it is in common usage nevertheless!

I say we need to ban "moist" from the english vocabulary. People go around saying this filty word all day long and never even stop to think just how sick it really sounds and what kinds of images it evokes. Meanwhile, we shy away from innocent words like "crap", "damn", or even the all-mighty f-word, "fungus." What gives? What have those words ever done to us? They don't sound wrong, they come out almost like some kind of onomatopea. But "moist"? Wrong. It's just wrong!

Help me, my fellow Earthland Realmsians, in ridding the english language of this nasty word once and for all. :-(
Re: how do u become a admin (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 01 Mar : 21:46
I just post what is coherant. It is a very good habit to pick up as early as possible: learn proper grammar so you don't have to ask yourself basic questions like "is the plural formed with an apostrophe s or just an s?", proof-read a post to minimize typos and accidental omissions, seperate things into paragraphs so people do not get lost reading what you have to say... You can't get very far in life if you write out a contract for an important client that includes terms like "ok u must giev us 10% of the products earning k? thx plz sine here x__________ (lol x marks teh spott!1)" :-)

You either have a good vocabulary and make writing coherant, structured material something habitual, or you do not (or deliberately choose not to express it.) In retrospect, a very intelligent person could simply have the habit of using shorthand and a restricted vocabulary when writing - it really has nothing to do with "being intelligent;" it's just a habit.

(And let us say, if I were trying to "show how smart I am," I could have picked a bigger and more active forum with a far more serious theme than a cartoon. Gotta love that Halloween special where Ned starts seeing visions of the future and Homer destroys Springfield. Stupidity of that caliber is mind-boggling. :-D )
Re: question (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 01 Mar : 00:55
If you are so short on time that you cannot look through existing threads, there is a handy search function located at the bottom of the page. ;-)

You will get an immediate answer to your question if there is a thread about it. However, if you have to post, you also have to wait for someone to read your post and reply, which can sometime take hours (or days if you are posting about something obscure.) And in some instances, you may even offend or alienate other forum members, particularly when at least two threads have already been stickied about your question.

Please do not take this personally. I am just trying to help you make more efficient use of your limited time on the web. :-) Nor do I speak for anyone on the moderation team (I have only been here a week or two myself.)
Re: how do u become a admin (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 29 Feb : 20:58
Doorin wrote ...

the guy that was puttin up those long posts earlier

If you consider that long, you are going to be miserable in college, lol.

What I post, I consider to be regular-length posts. A friend of mine posts multi-page posts regularly and is not the only one to do so on some of the message boards we mutually frequent. Especially when he is working on something and really gets into his explanations. After all, it is a message board so you have all the time in the world to read or post a message. ;-)

I would say taking the time to familiarize oneself with the "backspace" key would be another good habit to pick up (if only for the same reasons as the above,) but the internet thrives on lazyness. :-/
Re: question (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 28 Feb : 21:11
You know, a few moments of browsing one of the many, many other threads about this before posting your question would have avoided everyone a fair amount of trouble. Even reading the thread titles should have been enough.

Is it not common sense to read first, post later?

Check this out: this thread was actually stickied: http://earthlandrealms.com/main/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?8368

Quoted from the thread's very first post...

"This is a list of people to kill, if the game ever gets made. The people on this list, are people who have asked, were is the game, how do we play the game, is there a game, when will the game be made ect. If you anyone asking this, tell me or Homer. Here is the list (in no particular order):"

Methinks the message is loud and clear, and easy to find. The reason you are being attacked is because you failed to spend even a moment trying to find an answer in an other thread before posting. It is frustrating to have to calmly explain the exact same thing time and time again, especially when the answer can be gotten from a few seconds' worth of browsing.

I am sorry if you felt attacked, but you have to admit it is not unjustified...
Re: the wiki page from the Dumbass Thread! and the Mike is there too, it's Mike Hunt! (General Talk) Posted on 27 Feb : 18:17
Words are just words, though. :-P

Besides, you can construct very offensive sentences from absolutely unobjectionable words.

"He crammed his long screwdriver into her honeypot, causing fluids to spill out across the counter in response to her groans."


What? We're talking about some people renovating in a kitchen here. Some guy dropped his screwdriver into an opened jar of honey, causing it to spill out on the counter and drawing a frustrated groan from the second person.

Context. CONTEXT. :-P
Re: The Game (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 27 Feb : 18:04
Smithers wrote ...

Um. USA This is English not that crap.

If you are implying that "USA" is a language, or that american english is more "real" than, say, England english, you are wrong in both cases ("USA" is an abbreviated country name, not a language) and may be in need of a little history lesson if you think the latter (let's not forget america was populated by native americans before Europe brought its own languages there.) ;-)

Rune (the guy working on this) is going to be gone on a business trip or something like that this week/weekend, so I won't have anything to post about until then. When he comes back, I will ask him if he is willing to part with a little demo. I don't know if he will (he is notoriously tight-lipped and needs to be beaten with a large blunt object before he'll spill any details about anything, ever) but it sure would be fun to have something tangible to show off. :-)
Re: The Game (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 26 Feb : 19:34
Smithers wrote ...

I know what maturity is, he just has different Grammar

Where I come from, we call this "english." ;-)

I saw my buddy working on the game I posted about this weekend. As a matter of fact I passed out on his living room couch. It was a fun friday. Anyway, I have a new screenshot from him in case this interests anyone.

It's just another test map (hence why the platforms have such jagged edges - no point in investing too much time getting a test map to look good.) He said he was working on various indoor lighting things. I am not too sure what that implies but it sounds like some graphics engine thing, not actual gameplay.
Re: question (Game Making Discussion) Posted on 26 Feb : 19:28
It is my opinion that if someone is unable to do something, they have no right to demand it of others. That being said, where's your contribution? :)
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