The International Academy of Film and Television is granting scholarship programs to aspiring filmmakers. The scholarship open to all applicants who express a strong desire to learn professional film making skills. The scholarship is offered to all filmmakers without respect to race, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or country of origin. Applicants can be at beginner level or experienced professionals who might wish to change their careers. With an emphasis on total immersion in the course, the successful applicant should expect to set aside any other job or program he or she might be enrolled in. For details kindly please visit - International Academy of Film and Television ; )
I'm glad that you accept my advertisement... thanks so much.. Hope you like the website and feel free to ask me about anything in IAFT or INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF FILM AND TELEVISION.
Wow, that's a pretty cool advertisement, what's even more amazing is that someone posted once, then actually remembered about this website!!!! Very cool advertisement again, but, I'm not really into filmmaking.
Italian sports car! this is cool... since you've been nice i'll share this to my friends that collecting cars and interested about cars. And don't forget about my film website hahaha... thanks again.. (^_^)
Ohhhhh, thank you so much, I sent this to everybody on my e-mail list except a couple (for business reasons) Thank you for the advertisement, and I'm sure one of my friends would be interested, and if not, one of their friends should. Thanks again ~_~