Username:Shameelrulez Job wich you are applying for:Story/Quest Writer How long are u on ur computer every day:evry day for as long as i want Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap now if you want A sample of your work:a guy steals the king and queens Crowns you have to get them back for a 1,000 tokens MSN
i could make the towns but i dont know what program to make them on
Username:briscus Job wich you are applying for:assistant quest writer How long are u on ur computer every day:weekdays:3hrs weekends:5hrs Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:wheneva you want me to A sample of your work:(sample of quest)the princess of _________ is missing the magical pendant of _______ you must venture to the far side of________ to string together clues to reaveal who stole it and where it was... start:talk to the princess at the_______ she gives you some advice to help you(with a secret riddle)and you set off to find out where the foot prints at the crime scene lead to(end at the city of______ you must investigate fruther and interveiw town citizens...(it ends here because i dont want to waste your time) MSN ADDRESS:none
Username:Shameelrulez Job wich you are applying for:Story/Quest Writer How long are u on ur computer every day:evry day for as long as i want Will u be persistent at your job:yes When will you be able to start:asap now if you want A sample of your work:a guy steals the king and queens Crowns you have to get them back for a 1,000 tokens MSN
i could make the towns but i dont know what program to make them on
Ok, The more people we have helping with KOE the quicker the game will come so.... Here are the Jobs available; ----- 1) Head 3D Maker(Flyvin) 2) 3D Maker 3) Head Map Maker 4) 3D Map Maker 5) Head Website/HTML Designer (Karroma_007) 6) Website/HTML Designer 7) Idea Collector (Hess) (ShadowKnight) 8) Story/Quest Writer (RunTime) 9) Fancy Writing Creator 10) Gif Maker ----- Please submit your job applications using my sample below (Copy & Paste) ----- [Feel free to create your own job, if you think it will come in handy) ----- ----- Username: Job wich you are applying for: How long are u on ur computer every day: Will u be persistent at your job: When will you be able to start: A sample of your work: MSN ADDRESS: ----- Any Questions PM me; Keep this topic clean!
----- Username: NoHomers Job wich you are applying for: Website/HTML Designer How long are u on ur computer every day: I have school days on weekday's so i am gone for mostly 45% of the day so i will try and fit in with this Website/HTML Designing thing for about 3-6Hour's if it's on a weekday, If it's on a weekend then i will try to fit in for around 5-12hours Will u be persistent at your job: Yes When will you be able to start: .A.S.A.P-(As-Soon-As-Possible) / Now A sample of your work: MSN ADDRESS: ===== EDIT: Me and my friend's will be able to help with the Earthland Realms / KOE - Kindom Of Earthlands, one has signed up and i will tell my other friends to sign up so i can tell them to post an application about a job. ===== EDIT: Please do not message me on because i am using my brothers one so i just need you to e-mail me or send me a message on NoHomers. ===== END
===== EDIT:I am going to apply for other job to help Earthland Realms / KindomOfEarthlands get started on making a game, so here i am going to post my application for other job ===== ...APPLICATION... Username: NoHomers Job wich you are applying for: Idea Collector How long are u on ur computer every day: I have school days on weekday's so i am gone for mostly 45% of the day so i will try and fit in with this Website/HTML Designing thing for about 3-6Hour's if it's on a weekday, If it's on a weekend then i will try to fit in for around 5-12hours Will u be persistent at your job: Yes When will you be able to start: A.S.A.P-(AsSoonAsPossible) / Now A sample of your work: I have posted a message on the ideas thread so i am going to copy and paste it on here since i have already made them:
NoHomers wrote ...
Znitch wrote ...
Here i will post some of my ideas for the upcoming game: Earthland realms :D
*Make it in PhP please *Java *Make it likely the movie lmao :D *Don't make ppl pay for it.. *Make it fast to load *Everyone can play! *Multiply realms like in WoW.. Ex: Neptulon, Earthland.. And so on *Make me mod. i'm expert of making events! *HTLM guide to start *choose simpsons chars *Have experience from RPG's and MMORPG's *Make it MMORPG.. Like wow :P as: Player vs. Player :P *Make two sides as.. Town and Family xD *Make it fun *Marge: -puh- this is really annoying.. Grandpa: You're telling me!!!
*Bart = Last boss.. *Vendors *Game masters as in WoW, then let me be GM :D *RS suxx so no ideas from them -.- *Matt groening = Bart's assistant *Emotes like... GET A LIFE! Dance, Laugh and so on :D *Thanks for watching!!! __________________
By Znitch!
Post your ideas below!
Ich habe ein problem :D I Love Earthland EPISODE :D!!!
----- Hello Znitch, as you said post ideas bellow i just startered to wondering that i could make a list of all the old idea's, new idea's, ect and i will post the idea's under the line bellow ===== *Make it in PhP please *Java *Make it like the movie *Don't make people to pay for it *Make it fast to load *Everyone can play *Multiply realms like in World ofWarcraft, Example: Neptulon, Earthland, and so on *Make a earthland mod, Znitch is an expert of making events! *HTLM guide to start *choose simpsons charters *Have experience from RPG's and MMORPG's *Make it MMORPG, Like World of Warcraft, as: Player vs. Player *Make two sides as, Town and Family / Good vs Bad *Make it fun *Marge: -puh- this is really annoying.. Grandpa: You're telling me!!! *How about some power-ups like berserk or like rage mode *Physical shield that helps them by lowering the monsters damage when attacking *Multi arrow *Assassin rush *Teleport *Force push *Ghost sword *Air stike *Build own store
MSN ADDRESS: EDIT:briscus, lord mike154 are my real life friends so they can help ===== End
Username: Unknownname. Job wich you are applying for: Story/Quest Writer. How long are you on are computer every day: Three-Five hours. Will you be persistent at your job: Yes. When will you be able to start: Now. A sample of your work: Chain quest: Yes Quest part: One Quest rewards: Twenty-Five Tokkens Quest name: _____-(Part one). Quest information: Your first task is an easy one. A group of _____ have been invading the forest for any information about the kindom of _____. I want you to go there and slay eight _____ and report back to me once your done. Chain quest: Yes Quest part: Two Quest rewards: Fiffty-Five Tokkens Quest name: _____-(Part two). Quest information: My scouts tell me that the _____ invasion is larger then we had though. A group of _____ are camped up close to the _____ mine in the forest. Slay ten of them and report back to me Chain quest: Yes Quest part: Three Quest rewards: One-Hundred & Fiffty Tokkens Quest name: _____-(Part three). Quest information: Your previous slayings of eight _____ and ten _____ have came clear to us that they have a leader, High-King _____. There is no time to waste, the _____ are still in the forests and it will not be long untill they find a weekness in the kindom of _____. Slay twelve _____ and High-King _____ and return to me and i will reward you. MSN ADDRESS:
Username: eatme Job wich you are applying for: 7) Idea Collector How long are u on ur computer every day: two-four hours Will u be persistent at your job: yes When will you be able to start: now A sample of your work: ok well i have lots of ideas about the names of power up moves so i am going to give you an exsample of the power ups in world of warcraft; dispel magic(dispels a hostle cast from your cast ons), inner fire(increases your armor by 100 and stamina by 5), mana burn(drains 150-275 mana points from your hostle enemy and deals damage of 50-75), power word: fortitude(increases stamina by 17), power word: shield(absorbing 366 damage), shackle undead(places a bubble around an undead enemy for 30 seconds which the undead enemy can not attack or defend, if attacked the bubble will go away), starshards(drains 75-205 health points from a hostle enemy), ect. if you need any more then you can e-mail me on my msn MSN ADDRESS:
Username: Silent Job wich you are applying for: Item Thinker How long are u on ur computer every day: most of the day anything upto 10 hours ( depending on what days of the week ) Will u be persistent at your job: Yes When will you be able to start: Now/ ASAP A sample of your work: a one handed sword called 'Scimitar of Lost Hope', " Forged from the Depths of _______ this sword was lost during the Great Wars and has now found you" it could have a special like: If health drops below 50% you deal more damage MSN ADDRESS:
Username: Evil H0M3R Job which you are applying for: Quest Writer How long are you on you're computer every day: Almost 20 hours lol Will you be persistent at your job: Yes When will you be able to start: Now? A sample of your work: Umm... Quest writer doesn't got a example right now. MSN ADDRESS: No but i do got a yahoo address!